Serving Central Connecticut

Answers to Common FAQs

If you have questions about how our dumpster rental services work, check out the answers to some typical questions in the section below.

Call Dumpstar at 860-829-5567 if you have additional questions about our services!

An Overview of Our Dumpster Services

What can be placed in the dumpster?

We take everything but hazardous materials. 

How soon can you deliver the dumpster?

We can usually deliver the dumpster the next day.

How long are we allowed to keep the dumpster?
You can keep the dumpster for 14 days / 2 weeks.
Are there any additional fees for items?
Do I have to move stuff from the attic or basement for you?
No, we can supply an estimate if you need us for junk removal. Call Dan at 860-829-5567 to make arrangements.
Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, we accept all major credit cards except American Express. 

What is the cost for going over the tonnage?
The fee is $130 per ton (prorated). 
Do I have to be home when you arrive?

Customer Satisfaction Is Our #1 Priority

Contact Us

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We Answer Your
Phone Calls 24 / 7

Dumpstar PO Box 5 Berlin, CT 06037


Mon - Sun : Open 24 Hours

Our stated pricing advertised is for Cash or Check sales. At the time of bill payment, you have a choice of the discounted cash price or the price using payment such as a credit or debit card, which will reflect the additional cost of the non-cash transaction. You may choose either form of payment at the time the bill payment is due.